Border Archery Covert Hunter Review Border Archery of Scotland has been known to push the performance limits of the recurve with incredible limb design and use of advanced materials. The result of years of R&D culminates in the latest Hex-series limb out of Scotland - the Hex-7. The Covert Hunter is a recurve utilizing the newest limb offering in a compact, smooth drawing bow. I feel quite privileged to be among the first in the upper American Midwest to own one of these recurves and will do my best to provide as objective of a review as I can. The complete kit out of the box from Border. The StikTamers and Limbsavers are my add-ons. - Riser - The Covert Hunter I ordered has a 19" riser with short limbs, giving me a 60" AMO recurve drawing 45#@27". The riser is made of a Shedua center strip with Indian Rosewood back and belly strips, separated with carbon laminations. The carbon lams are accented with a thin strip of red re...
Showing posts from June, 2014