Centaur Carbon Elite review Having heard and read some really good testimonials regarding Centaur bows, I looked into trying to order one. I was a bit dismayed to find the waiting list for a custom longbow to be over a year. Fortunately, I noticed the Centaur website had listed stock bows for sale. I immediately contacted Jim Neaves, owner of Centaur Archery, and was placed on a short list for the next one being made. A month later, I had a Carbon Elite in my hands. When the bow was near completion, Jim called me up and asked me for some hand measurements so he could add custom finger grooves for a more comfortable grip. I really did not expect that in a stock bow and it goes to show what kind of attention to detail Jim has for his customers and his devotion to crafting some of the finest bows available. My Carbon Elite is 58" overall and is marked 47# @ 28". - Riser - According to the Centaur website, the stock Carbon Elite features a dese...