Dryad ACS-LBX ILF longbow review Dryad Bows of Weatherford, TX is well known for their high-performance bows, particularly their ACS line of recurve and longbow limbs for both bolt-down and ILF. Recently, the company released a new line of longbow limbs: the ACS-LB and the ACS-LBX. The LB has a composite core with carbon and glass laminations, while the LBX has the same composite core with carbon-only laminations. Being a performance geek, I opted for the flagship LBX limb to mount on my Epic13 riser. - Riser - The riser I am using in this build is the same Epic13 riser I had reviewed a while back here . This riser is a particular favorite of mine and being a Dryad riser, I figured it would be the ideal base for the new LBX limbs. Since it was reviewed previously, I won't get into the details in this post. Basically, I really like this riser for the minimalist design, the slim yet comfortable grip, and the handsome aesthetics. Bub...