Toelke Troll Review 52" AMO 45# @ 28" 2-piece takedown I like short bows. I like how their compactness makes it easy to maneuver in the field, to use inside a blind, or to shoot from a variety of positions without smacking a limb tip into a ceiling or the floor. Perhaps it's nerdy of me, but there is a certain "cuteness" to a small bow. While looking at short bows, I came across the Toelke Kestrel - a short 52" recurve. Owners of this little bow raved about its compact size, yet smooth draw. I thought about it and the idea of a tiny recurve that could break down into a smaller travel package would be a really neat bow. I gave Dan Toelke a call to inquire further about the Kestrel and that was when I learned that model had been retired and replaced with the Troll. According to Dan, he had redesigned the Kestrel for improved performance and the new design was different enough to warrant a completely new bow, so the Troll came into being. ...
Showing posts from February, 2017